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GT Humanities


GT- Gifted & Talented programs are provided for students at HMS who have been identified as Gifted & Talented by the district screening as outlined in the Texas State Plan for the Gifted. Programs for identified GT students at HMS include participation in GT Level Up (including Odyssey of the Mind). Students also have access to a variety of advanced academic courses that range from Humanities ELAR/History, Honors content courses, and more.    Humanities- The goal of the Humanities program is to grow high achieving students in preparation for AP courses and exams by fostering critical thinking and reading through their ELAR and History courses. These courses are open to any academically advanced student who would like to challenge and prepare themselves for advanced academics at ECHS, specifically the Colloquium program. Humanities students participate in a variety of cross-curricular projects and are required to participate in the National History Day program.   The HMS Humanities program encourages summer reading so that students can prepare themselves for the upcoming year. You will find links to the recommended book choices for ELAR and Social Studies.     If you have any questions about the Humanities or Odyssey of the Mind programs at HMS please contact Cari Garcie at If you have any questions about GT texting and referals please contact Meredith Powell at

GT Screening

Thank you for your interest in the EC Gifted & Talented program at Heritage Middle School. The referral window for GT screening is now closed for the 2017-2018 school year. The window to refer students for GT screening will open in December and close in late January for the 2018-2019 school year. Please check back at that time if you would like to refer your student. Students moving onto ECHS will need to be refered to their counselor.

A student may be referred for gifted and talented testing by a teacher, parent/guardian, themself, a counselor, librarian, or administrator that is familiar with the student’s academic education and/or data. GT referral forms may be found on the East Central ISD homepage or requested from the campus GT contact (please complete the attached form during the referal window). It is important to complete the referral form on or before the deadline to ensure the student will be assessed during the annual GT testing timeline.

To make a referral for GT screening please consider the attachments below to help you better identify the characteristics of truly Gifted students. Once you have taken those things into account and believe the student is an ideal candidate for referral please complete the Google form.

After the screening window closes, if your student will be a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader during the 2018-2019 school year at HMS and you would like them to be placed on the list for screening please e-mail Cari Garcie at with their name, student ID, grade level for the 2018-19 school year, and date of birth. Each year the window for screening occurs in the month of February. Your student will be placed on the list for screening.


We had an excellent Odyssey of the Mind season this year and took both 8th grade teams to the STATE Tournament!  Congrats OMERS! We look forward to our 2019-2020 season and hope to welcome lots of returning and new OMERS!  
2019 Odyssey STATE
  Congratulations all of our 2019 STATE participants! We had an amazing time and learned so much at the state tournament! GO HURRICANE OMERS!!   


If you are a new student or have  requested a schedule change into Humanities for the upcoming school year please contact Mrs. Garcie via email for your required summer assignments. Note: you will need an ECISD student ID to access some assignments. If you are a new student to EC this will be generated upon registration.

Heritage History Day

Humanities students are looking forward to participating in the History Day program this year. The National History Day theme for 2019-2020 is "Breaking Barriers in History".    HMS Campus History Day TBD (HMS Cafeteria) EC District History Day TBD (location TBD) Regional History Day TBA (Texas A&M San Antonio)     

2019 State History Day
Bre Jimenez

Congratulations to Jeremiah Lanier, Carter McMain, Giovanni Hernandez, Faith Neto, Mayessaae Abdallah, Olivia Lott, Emily Rios, Natalia Arratia, Giovanna Rangel, Shelby Hofmann, and Breanna Jimenez who represented Heritage and EC at the 2019 Texas State History Day in Austin, Texas on April 26th.  We are unbelievably proud of their hard work and dedication.  

Bridget Scott & Hailey Hernandez 

These students competed in our 4th Annual 8th Grade Humanities Debate Tournament and were victorious in defeating all other teams. This year our students debated the following resolution: RESOLVED: In United States public K-12 schools, the probable cause standard ought to apply to searches of students. Debate teams were required to develop both a Pro and Con case and participate in a public forum debate against other teams. All teams did extensive research on the topic and Mr. Powell and I are so proud of the work everyone did to make this year's tournament a success! 

Bridget, Hailey, Charli & Ryder
Kylie, Dayton, Natalia & Franky


On May 8th the 7th Grade Humanities classes hosted the 4th Annual HMS Chili Cook Off to bring their study of the Texas Cattle Drives to and end. Teachers were invited to enjoy some homemade chili while our cowpokes read original poetry & legends, presented research exhibits & shows. They even witnessed an ‘armadillo’ race! First Place Chili- HOWDY PARTNER RANCH (Lexie Lewis, Johnny Alonzo, Estrella Vargas, Kendra Proby) First Place Overall Ranch Display & Presentation- Starlight Ranch (Shelby Hoffman, Destiny Hernandez, Emma Pieniazek, Madison Bickel) Fastest Armadillo- Gunslinger Ranch (Javier Sosa, Callie Friesenhahn, Bryce Kopek, & Cassie Gunalda)

A Festival of India - 6th Grade Humanities

Our 6th graders were so excited to host the 4th Annual A Festival of India on May 25th. Students presented their research on their festival, myths, poetry, and a call to action for social injustices within India. Mr. Powell and Mrs. Garcie were so impressed with how dedicated our students were to this project and cannot wait to see them continue to grow next year!